About Us -
Infinite Vitality

Welcome to the Infinite Vitality, a haven of holistic well-being, rooted in the rich terrains of southern Alberta. Our story is woven with the threads of passion, commitment, and a steadfast belief in the power of self-healing.

Meet Our Founders

Infinite Vitality is the brainchild of four forward thinking women, all nurtured amidst the expansive Canadian prairies, where the ethos of natural remedies and self-reliance blossomed. Each founder carries a profound respect for alternative health solutions, ingrained in their upbringing and honed through extensive study and personal application. Their shared belief that the body holds an intrinsic ability to heal itself, given the right, forms the cornerstone of our Centre.

Our Philosophy

In this modern era, the call for self-responsibility in personal well-being echoes louder than ever. At Infinite Vitality, we embrace this call, intertwining age-old wisdom with revolutionary science to facilitate natural, effective recovery processes. Our cutting-edge Scaler Light Therapy stands as a testament to this, offering a pioneering pathway to rejuvenation and holistic health.

Journey with Us

Step into our beautifully curated wellness centre, where warmth meets tranquility, and innovation meets care. Here, you embark on a transformative journey, guided by our dedicated team, committed to your well-being. Witness the harmonious blend of traditional knowledge and modern technology, all aimed at nurturing your body, mind, and spirit.

Infinite Vitality centre is more than a wellness spa; it's a movement towards collective well-being and the revival of harmonious living with nature. We warmly invite you to join us in this exciting voyage of recovery, rejuvenation, and rediscovery. Embark on your wellness journey with Infinite Vitality - where every step forward is a step toward optimal health and vibrant living.


The inspiration behind the Medicine Hat location

A personal experience inspired the owners to bring this revolutionary technology to Medicine Hat. One of the owners husbands had a stroke in March 2020, which resulted in paralysis on the right side of his body. With therapy he regained full use of his arm, hand and leg, except his right foot remained numb with no feeling in his toes. They were spending the Winter in the Phoenix area, and a friend sent them a video from EE System about healing with light. There were two centres that had just recently opened in the Scottsdale area. They were intrigued with the idea that if the body is given the right Kind of energy, it can heal itself at the cellular level. After two hours in the system he said "There is something going on in my right foot”. His wife squeezed his big toe and amazingly he had some feeling in it.

When he left Phoenix after spending 16 hours in the system he had complete feeling in his foot, could raise his arms above his shoulders and could put his jacket on by himself, which he couldn't do before. This remarkable experience motivated them to bring this amazing system to Alberta so their family, friends and residents of Medicine Hat and area could also receive astounding benefits from the scalar light therapy.